Apostle Simpson was born on October 26, 1946 in Moultrie, Georgia. In August of 1967, he relocated to the state of New Jersey. Apostle Thomas E. Simpson, Sr. accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior in November of 1967. He has been married to Elect Lady Janie Simpson since January of 1968 and together they have six children, twenty-four grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. He is also a father to many spiritual sons and daughters around the world.
Apostle Simpson has two honorary doctorate degrees along with certificates in various courses. He attended the Community Bible School directed and instructed by Sister Mary Rhodes; he also took courses through A.A. Allen, Kenneth Hagin, and the World Harvest School of Continuous Learning directed and instructed by Dr. Lester Sumrall. Apostle Simpson has also received degrees from the Tabernacle Bible Institute. He has an undying passion to see all boys, girls, men, and women accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
Apostle Thomas E. Simpson, Sr.’s first pastorate was at the Trenton Church of God in Trenton, New Jersey from June 1976 through September 1980. One Sunday while ministering in Asbury Park, New Jersey, God told him that his work in Trenton was finished, he then moved his family to Lakewood, New Jersey. In September of 1980 he founded the Deliverance Evangelistic Church, Inc. The congregation held their services at the YWCA on Monmouth Avenue of Lakewood Township from 1980 until 1988. In 1988 he purchased the church and property located on 500 Arlington Avenue in Lakewood, New Jersey. By August of 1991 the congregation had outgrown the church new additions were made to the building.

On December 18, 1994, Apostle Thomas E. Simpson, Sr. was ordained to the office of Apostleship. Apostle’s integrity and exemplary leadership has had such an impact on others. His sons and daughters in the ministry have pastored in many cities across the country. Apostle Simpson is also the International Overseer of the ITM Christ Ambassadors Churches in West Africa. With the support and help of his church ITM More Than Conquerors Intl. Tabernacle, Inc., he has helped build churches and homes in Africa and in India.
Apostle Simpson and his wife traveled to India to preach at a convention in which many souls were saved and delivered. He also traveled to the mission field of Ghana West Africa in June of 2002. In 2005 he ventured to the holy land of Jerusalem and was baptized in the river of Jordan.
God’s vision for Apostle Thomas E. Simpson, Sr. and the Body of Christ consists of a ministerial school, day care center, and a private school for children to receive a Christian education. Apostle Simpson established the Transfiguration Bible College in 2001. On September 6, 2006 the vision of a school offering a Christian education was fulfilled when the ITM Incorruptible Academy’s students began their first day of school. The ITM Incorruptible Academy was fully operating from 2006 to 2009. In 2013 he founded the Incorruptible Transfiguration Spirit & Truth Bible School, through this school he has imparted much knowledge and understanding to a vast number of ministers and saints. In 2016 he founded the ITM More Than Conquerors ACTS Institute (ACTS meaning to Arming Conquerors To Succeed). He also began a ministerial training program in July of 2017. Other aspects of his vision include housing for the men and women who have been incarcerated and have no place to live upon their release into society. He also had a vision to have a church in his hometown of Moultrie, Georgia and God allowed him to purchase a church to fulfill that vision.
Apostle Simpson is the founder of T.E.S. More Than Conquerors Ministries formerly known as Thomas Simpson Ministries Holy Spirit Acts, Inc., a teaching ministry that reaches from city to city and from state to state.
He is the author and publisher of Arming New Creatures In Christ, a manual for babes in Christ and for mature saints, to help them grow in the redemptive knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and to help them understand many of the believer’s benefits in Christ and the authority of the believers and who they are in Christ Jesus. This manual was written to help them understand that they are more than conquerors through our Lord Jesus Christ and that satan has been eternally defeated. Apostle Thomas E. Simpson, Sr. is also the author and publisher of the tract How to be Saved, a tract that has been distributed to hundreds of sinners, that contains a clear message to lead them to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Apostle Simpson is soon to complete many other books that will bring a magnificent amount of revelation and knowledge to the body of Christ across the globe.
God’s Apostle of love and compassion, Thomas E. Simpson, Sr.
Elect Lady Janie Simpson
Elect Lady Janie Simpson was born June 30th in Moultrie, Georgia to the union of Oscar & Marie Edwards. She has been married to Dr. Simpson since January 1968 and has six children, twenty-four grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.
She attended the Colquitt County Schools in Moultrie, Georgia. She has received a Bachelor’s Degree in Religion from the Tabernacle Bible College and Seminary. She has taken countless Correspondence Bible Courses by Lester Sumrall.
Prophetess Janie Simpson is an anointed vessel of God, mightily used to pray for the sick and the bound. She has an accurate word in her mouth. Her messages are revelatory and cause you to move from where you are to where God is calling you. She is also the founder of a women’s ministry called the VIP Women which was formerly known as the Women of Zion. For over three years she served wherever there was a need, including feeding the homeless, choir president, church secretary, and as substitute teacher. From 2008 to 2009 Prophetess Janie Simpson taught at the ITM Incorruptible Academy. She has traveled internationally and preached in India, Africa, and Israel.
After experiencing the ministry of Prophetess Janie Simpson, you will know that the Spirit of the Lord is upon her and that He has anointed her and has put His words into her mouth. She has come to preach good tidings unto the meek, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and to comfort all that mourn.
Prophetess Janie Simpson has a desire to see souls saved, set free, and delivered from the hands of the enemy. She is a prayer warrior and her prayer for the body of Christ is that we all are ready when Jesus comes.
God’s Servant, Intercessor, Teacher, & Prophetess Elect Lady Janie Simpson
Apostle Thomas E. Simpson, Sr.